DR Perkins, Charles, E

P O Box 3520
Roxboro, NC - 27573
Telephone: (336) 599-9126

* DR Perkins, Charles, E is a Medicaid Dentist. DR Perkins, Charles, E is not a free clinic. Read the services description below to see if you qualify for Medicaid services at this dental office.

DR Perkins, Charles, E  dental office serves Medicaid patients as a General Dentist in Roxboro, NC. They may or may not be accepting new patients at this time. If you are on Medicaid in North Carolina, you must check with the office to see if you can be seen for a dental problem.

Many of our Dental Clinics are free and/or government supported. Many are sliding scale dental care for low income. Please call the dental clinics or visit the websites of the dentists to cofirm that these clinics are free or low cost to the needy. We do our best to provide a helpful low cost and free dental services. Always confirm directly with the dental clinis to confirm that our information is up to date.

We also now display low cost, affordable clinics for the needy. Yes, our website name is FreeDental.org, but we now provide more. We are as specific as possible on the listing pages. It is the website users responsibility to contact the clinics listed to confirm whether the clinics is free, low cost, affordable, etc. Do not take it for granted that the clinic is free since it is listed on the website. We provide listings to help those with dental practices and services to help the needy.

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  • Jun 16, 2020

    Although Dr. Perkins is not considered covered by my insurance, I called the insurance company and let them know why they needed to cover my visits to Dr. Perkins. My insurance company agreed with me. Because of my group dental insurance I saw a different dentist near my job for many years. Now I don't want that dentist. During the pandemic, my dental place I had used for many years, was not available to help me - nor had they caught a bad cavity, etc. My dental problems were not caught by the dental site in Durham and got worse. When I called Dr. Perkins' office, they saw me right away. Dr. Perkins saw the infections in my gums, showed me my problems, put me on antibiotics, explained what needed to be fixed and the order of repair; then referred me to a surgeon to take care of a serious root problem (Dr. Deb Conner) who also saw me right away. The problem with that tooth was caught quick enough to save the tooth and me an additional expense. I believe Dr. Conner was the best surgeon I ever saw in my 70+ years. As for Dr. Perkins, the concern he showed and the care he gave during the pandemic was heroic. He put his patients first. He explained what needed fixing while showing me on the x-rays so I left with a thorough understanding of what was wrong and what was involved in the repairs needed. Now I'm going back for him to fix the next priority (a huge cavity) and hope we've caught that in time to save a needed root canal there. It is imperative you get good dental care, which is why I recommend Dr. Perkins in Roxboro. I believe I would have been far better off had I paid the out-of-plan fee or called my insurance and fought to have him covered under my out-of-county group plan (which I successfully did).

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